Running and running

Learning to make time for fun, say no, and still be a hardworking progressive man.

"that writing thing, don't give up on that, is good stuff" were the words that came out of the mouth of a man in my Saturday morning men's group. we meet every Saturday, talk about God, about our struggles, as iron sharpens iron we make each other better, sharper, leaner. I love these guys deeply, and this Saturday after sharing the good news that I had just landed a professional job doing what I love. Those words came pouring out, how little did I know that it was God talking.

If you haven't noticed I have been mute for the past couple of months, this , my passion, the thing that I would like to get great at and perhaps write a book some day has been simmering on my back burner for two months now. My new job on the other hand has taken over the other three burners on my stove, and all tho I am making more money than I had in a long time, and all tho I feel fulfilled and blessed with my new job, I must admit, everything else in my life, is slowly dying. I feel distant for my wife, my time with God has been skim at best and my friends are simply memories. Don't get me wrong, I am not blaming my new job, this new job is very good and an answered prayer. What I am blaming is my self, I have been running and running, like a rhino I am blindly charging and I have no idea where I am going. How can I stop? how can I slow down? To slow down feels like a distraction and to stop together feels like laziness, two things that I do not want in my life, so what to do?

As I write I am in prayer, and even in this crowded coffee shop, with the wind on my face, the birds overhead, the acoustic guitar in the background and the chatter of strangers all around me, I can hear God speaking. Perhaps not words specifically, but a feeling, a feeling that says "finally you noticed that you are acting crazy, now that you do and you entrust it to me, let me fix it". Is it not amazing that our father is always willing to fix?, like my natural father, nothing is ever to far gone, everything has a solution, and with this though I have peace, because I know, that everything will be alright.

These are the steps to begging living a life of margin and productivity.

1. Stop being afraid of failure.
I think what partially fueled my dash for "success" was my overwhelming feeling of being under qualified. I have known from the beginning that it was God that gave me this incredible job and not my own doing. what I failed to do was realize that it would be the very same God through me that would help me to keep and excel at it. Loose the baggage of fear, don't be scared to say no because you might not get promoted, don't fear turning a appointment down because it might cause your boss not to see you as favorably. I am not saying be lazy, what I am saying is know your limits and don't be afraid to admit you have them, after that trust God to take them and to do things trough you that you never thought you could.

2. Set margins.
Set a limit on office hours, set a limit on entertainment, set a limit on naps, set a limit! Noticed I am not saying to cut these things out, I am saying don't allow them to overflow and take over you life. By limiting and budgeting you allow yourself to see where time is being wasted and where time is needed. You will not find yourself living a robotic minute by minute scheduled life if you do this, you will only find yourself finding more time for what you love (God, Wife, family, The woods, writing, Dogs) and being more efficient at getting your responsibilities done.

3. Don't talk yourself out of fun events.
I do this way to much, I wan to go for a hike, but a billion things come first. What ends up happening is that I do a billion things frustrated, slowly, and unsatisfied. So when I am finally done and free, I am on a bad mood. Its stupid really. It is not immature or irresponsible to have fun, it is necessary, it is vital to your happiness and productivity. so go ahead, call you bud, tell him you guys are watching the movie you have been talking about tonight.

4. Realize what things are worth your time and invest in them.
Believe it or not, your job should not be on this list. Yes, your job is important. Yes, you should be the best employee in your company. No, your company does not own you and no, your first responsibility is not to put bread on your table. My wife and I made a decision when we first got married. If it comes down to us being happy or us having money, I rather be broke. My family is more important than my job, so if i see my job getting more attention than my family then is time for me to work less hours. My God is more important than my job, if I see my God is getting less time than my job, then is time to take less cases.

 I am not my provider, God is, I am not my success, God is, I am not my fulfillment, God is. Above all God is. This is the way to fulfillment, this is the way to avoid exhaustion. Let God come first and everything else fall in to place. Thank you and I am looking forward to writing next week.


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